Academia / Essays

2019-05-06 Syndrome de Münchausen par Procuration FPS10

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This was a riveting project I had done for my social studies class! The Munchausen syndrome by proxy (or MSBP) is a syndrome that always interested me and this project permitted me to do a lot more research on the topic. Even though I’m done high school, this work is still fun for me to reread, not only because I worked hard on these projects, but also because I’m re-learning things I forgot, or giving others the opportunity to read up if they want lol!

Academia / Essays / Sustainability

2019-05-23 Zéro Déchets, Multiples Bienfaits FR10

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This essay is on the dangers of plastic pollution and the benefits of zero waste living, as said in the title. I personally care about this mission a lot and when given the opportunity to outwardly bash the girls who called themselves “eco warriors” in my French class but who bought every single plastic item available at Tim’s during lunch everyday, how could I resist!? But also, education is important and I was surprised to discover that many in my class had never even heard of micro-plastics, which are now a primary component of our everyday lives, even though they may not always be visible to the human eye. Very fun research project!

Academia / Essays

2019-05-28 Immunity Gone Bad ENGL 10

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Immunity Gone Bad was another Survivor themed essay I had to write. This one was not argumentative however, but rather a newspaper article format. This was actually super tricky for me to do since I am usually a lengthy writer but this assignment had to be short and concise but still straight to the point. Short paragraphs were also weird and new to me at this stage.