Academia / Essays

Gamal Abdel Nasser

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One of the concepts in the IB curriculum for history at my school is 20th century authoritarian leaders. In order to complete my Paper 2 (the IB exam) I was presented a question that had to be backed by two different authoritarian leaders. In order to do that, I had to learn about more than one authoritarian leader. To keep things interesting, we learned about Fidel Castro as a group but then my class was separated in two and we each did a different leader. The other group did Pol Pot, and mine did Gamal Abdel Nasser, authoritarian leader of Egypt. We divided the assignment into three parts; and I was in charge of the beginning. This paper is basically “intro to Nasser & how it all started” so there isn’t much of a conclusion.

Academia / Essays / Sustainability

Les arbres du Nouveau-Brunswick

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This research project consisted on me taking different pictures of different trees and using a reference book to determine its age and species. Was really fun and I can now kinda distinguish the books in my backyard! I also had to describe invasive species and endangered species of flora. Brought me outside and was a great learning experience.

Academia / Essays

Syndrome de Münchausen par Procuration

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This was a riveting project I had done for my social studies class! The Munchausen syndrome by proxy (or MSBP) is a syndrome that always interested me and this project permitted me to do a lot more research on the topic. Even though I’m done high school, this work is still fun for me to reread, not only because I worked hard on these projects, but also because I’m re-learning things I forgot, or giving others the opportunity to read up if they want lol!