Costa Rica

In March of 2024, I did something totally new. I got the opportunity to go on an experiential learning trip to Costa Rica with nine other people and I did it! It was the most fun I had in a long while and was the break I sorely needed from the second semester of my third year of university. I connected with some new people, left North America for the FIRST time, and learned all about a new culture. I still can’t believe it’s over.

I think this trip was important for me because I stepped out of my comfort zone in many ways, but I also learned to see the positive in what I have at home. Even though I longed all winter to see places like this and live under the sun, near the end of the week (although I was having a lot of fun), I kept thinking about my kitties and my family and my little room and snow-covered backyard. For a while after I arrived, I was also a little weirded out that this was not all a dream. I came back during the spank middle of the second semester so my schedule was overflowing, but I kept on thinking of how chill and happy I was in Costa Rica that it seems insane for such a swift shift to have happened. It’s also crazy for me to believe that this place continues to exist while I am not there. It’s not like a movie that you play and escape reality for two hours until it’s over. This place is some people’s everyday lives. So wild.