Old Town, Maine

Twas a green Christmas Day in Maine. The whole crew went down and I spent Christmas day in the University of Maine Forest looking at moss and ice formations with Julia and Thomas. I wrapped up reading the second book in The Empyrean series and it was total shit, so I will be dropping that series. I started Migrations by Charlotte McConaghy and it is a very good recovery.

While in Maine, Julia and Thomas left to go back to Saint John, it was very sad and also suddenly very boring. It is nice to have people around who want to do things. My younger siblings just like to bed-rot and scream at screens. It’s refreshing to have people to explore with. I think I need a dog. They are always there and are always down to explore. I miss Crashie.

Here are some pictures from the weekend. I love walking with Julia off trails in the middle of the woods back home in Penniac. I actually wrote a poem about it that I may share here at a later date.